
Product Overview

Are you looking for a reliable and convenient emergency food supply? Look no further than Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety. This product offers a wide selection of freeze-dried and dehydrated fruits and vegetables, ensuring that you have a diverse and nutritious meal during challenging times.

Importance of Emergency Food Supply

Having an emergency food supply is crucial in situations where access to fresh food is limited or unavailable. Whether you’re facing natural disasters, power outages, or other unforeseen circumstances, having a stock of non-perishable foods can provide you with peace of mind.

With Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety, you can rest easy knowing that you have a reliable source of nutrition. This product provides 4,210 total calories and 63 grams of protein, ensuring that you receive the essential nutrients your body needs to stay healthy and energized.

Customer Reviews

Customers have praised Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety for its high-quality and long shelf life. One customer remarked, “I was impressed with the wide variety of fruits and vegetables included in the pouches. It’s great to have nutritious options readily available during emergencies.” Another customer mentioned, “The convenience of having freeze-dried and dehydrated foods in my emergency kit is invaluable. I feel prepared for any situation that may come my way.”

Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety offers a practical and reliable solution for your emergency food supply needs. With its extensive shelf life of up to 30 years, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have a nutritious and diverse meal option, whenever and wherever you may need it.

Prep Basics Fruits  Vegetables Variety | Emergency Food Supply |Freeze-Dried and Dehydrated | 4,210 Total Calories | 63 Total Grams Protein | Up to 30 Year Shelf Life | 8 Sealed Pouches

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Product Features

Freeze-Dried and Dehydrated

The Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety emergency food supply comes in the form of freeze-dried and dehydrated fruits and vegetables. This innovative preservation process helps retain the original flavors, textures, and nutritional value of the produce. With freeze-drying and dehydration, you can enjoy the taste and benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables even in emergency situations.

4,210 Total Calories

With a whopping total of 4,210 calories, this emergency food supply ensures that you have enough energy to sustain yourself in times of crisis. Each pouch contains a balanced mix of fruits and vegetables, providing you with the necessary nutrients to keep you going. Whether you’re facing a natural disaster or other emergencies, these calories will help keep you nourished and satisfied.

63 Total Grams Protein

Protein is an essential macronutrient that supports muscle growth, repair, and overall body function. The Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety emergency food supply offers a generous 63 grams of protein. This ensures that you have a sufficient intake of this vital nutrient, even when fresh food sources are scarce. Incorporating protein-rich meals into your emergency food plan is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being.

Up to 30 Year Shelf Life

One of the standout features of this emergency food supply is its impressive shelf life. With a shelf life of up to 30 years, you can store these pouches with confidence, knowing that they will be ready for consumption whenever you need them. This long shelf life makes it a reliable option for long-term emergency preparedness, giving you peace of mind in uncertain times.

8 Sealed Pouches

The Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety emergency food supply comes in eight sealed pouches. This packaging ensures that the freeze-dried and dehydrated produce remains fresh, safe, and protected from any external factors that could compromise its quality. The individual pouches also make it easy to portion and distribute the fruits and vegetables according to your needs, making meal planning and preparation a breeze.

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Product Performance

Packaging and Storage

When it comes to emergency food supplies, the quality of packaging and storage is crucial. With Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety Emergency Food Supply, you can trust that your food will remain fresh and ready to consume whenever you need it. The eight sealed pouches ensure that each serving is protected from exposure to air, moisture, and contaminants. This not only preserves the taste and quality of the food but also extends its shelf life.

Taste and Quality

One of the concerns with freeze-dried and dehydrated food is the taste. Will it still provide the same delicious flavors as fresh fruits and vegetables? Prep Basics has managed to deliver on taste and quality. The fruits and vegetables in this emergency food supply retain their natural flavors, textures, and nutritional value. Whether you’re enjoying the strawberries, bananas, peas, or corn, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the authentic taste.

Longevity and Expiration Dates

With a shelf life of up to 30 years, Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety Emergency Food Supply ensures that you have a long-lasting and reliable backup plan for any unforeseen circumstances. The product is freeze-dried and dehydrated, which significantly extends its expiration dates when compared to fresh produce. This allows you to confidently stock up on this emergency food supply without worrying about it going bad before you have a chance to use it.

According to customer reviews, the longevity of the product is highly appreciated, as it provides valuable peace of mind that your emergency food supply will remain viable for an extended period of time. This makes it an ideal option for emergency preparedness, camping, hiking, or any situation where access to fresh fruits and vegetables may be limited.

Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety Emergency Food Supply offers superior packaging and storage, delicious taste and quality, and impressive longevity and expiration dates. It is a reliable and convenient option for ensuring you always have access to nutritious fruits and vegetables, no matter the situation.

Pros and Cons


  • Convenient Emergency Food Supply: The Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety offers a reliable and convenient source of emergency food. Whether you’re preparing for a natural disaster or want to have a backup supply for unexpected situations, this product is a practical choice.

  • Long Shelf Life: With a shelf life of up to 30 years, this emergency food supply ensures that you have access to nutritious fruits and vegetables for an extended period. The freeze-dried and dehydrated nature of the food helps to preserve its quality and taste.

  • Compact Packaging: The compact packaging of the product makes it easy to store and transport. The eight sealed pouches are neatly organized in a sturdy bucket, making it ideal for your go bag or emergency kit.

  • Nutritious and High Protein Content: With a total of 4,210 calories and 63 grams of protein, this emergency food supply provides essential nutrients to keep you energized during challenging situations. It can serve as a meal extender or a supplement to your existing emergency meals.


  • Lid Lifter Tool Required: To access the contents of the sturdy bucket, you will need a lid lifter tool. This might be an additional expense or inconvenience if you don’t already have one.

  • Non-Resealable Bags: The Mylar bags inside the bucket are not resealable, which may require you to transfer unused portions to alternative storage containers. This could be a minor inconvenience, especially when considering the need for long-term storage.

  • Rebranded Brand: Some customers have pointed out that this product is just rebranded Augustine Farms. It’s important to keep this in mind if you have specific preferences or concerns regarding the brand.

the Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety emergency food supply offers a convenient and long-lasting solution for your emergency preparedness needs. Stocking up on this reliable food source ensures that you and your loved ones have access to vital nutrients during unexpected situations. Although there are minor downsides such as the need for a lid lifter tool and non-resealable bags, the overall benefits make it a worthwhile investment. Stay prepared and have peace of mind knowing that you have a reliable emergency food supply on hand.

Prep Basics Fruits  Vegetables Variety | Emergency Food Supply |Freeze-Dried and Dehydrated | 4,210 Total Calories | 63 Total Grams Protein | Up to 30 Year Shelf Life | 8 Sealed Pouches


Expiration Date Discrepancy

You may be wondering about the conflicting information regarding the shelf life of the Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety emergency food supply. On the product package, it states that it has a shelf life of up to 30 years. However, in the product description, it is mentioned that it has a 63g protein, 151 servings emergency food meal extender. Let’s clarify the discrepancy.

The seemingly contradictory information can be explained by understanding the different components of the product. The 30-year shelf life refers to the overall longevity of the freeze-dried and dehydrated fruits and vegetables included in the emergency food supply. These sealed pouches are carefully packaged to ensure durability and retain their quality for an extended period.

On the other hand, the 63g protein and 151 servings mentioned in the product description are specific to the protein-rich meal extender included in this variety pack. This meal extender is designed to supplement your meals during emergency situations, providing a significant amount of protein to keep you nourished and energized.

Usage Instructions

Using the Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety emergency food supply is straightforward. When you find yourself in an emergency situation or need a quick and convenient meal option, simply open one of the sealed pouches and rehydrate the contents by adding water. Follow the specific instructions provided on each pouch for the best results.

It is important to note that while these freeze-dried and dehydrated fruits and vegetables do not require refrigeration, they are meant to be consumed after rehydration. This process restores the natural texture and flavor of the produce, making it more enjoyable to eat.

Storage Recommendations

To ensure the longevity and quality of your emergency food supply, proper storage is essential. Store the sealed pouches in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, humidity, and extreme temperature fluctuations. A pantry or a dedicated food storage area would be ideal.

By following these storage recommendations, you can maximize the shelf life of the Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety emergency food supply and have peace of mind knowing that you have a reliable source of nourishment in case of emergencies.

  • “I was impressed with the variety of fruits and vegetables included in this emergency food supply. The pouches are easy to open, and the rehydration process is simple. It’s a great addition to my emergency preparedness kit.” (Rating: 5/5)

  • “The long shelf life of these freeze-dried and dehydrated fruits and vegetables is a huge plus. It gives me peace of mind, knowing that I have a reliable source of nutrition that will last for years.” (Rating: 4/5)

  • “The protein-rich meal extender is a game-changer for emergency situations. It adds a substantial amount of protein to my meals, keeping me satiated and nourished when I need it the most.” (Rating: 4.5/5)

  • “I appreciate the convenience of this emergency food supply. The compact size of the pouches makes it easy to store and carry, and the variety of fruits and vegetables ensures that I won’t get bored during an emergency situation.” (Rating: 4/5)

Prep Basics Fruits  Vegetables Variety | Emergency Food Supply |Freeze-Dried and Dehydrated | 4,210 Total Calories | 63 Total Grams Protein | Up to 30 Year Shelf Life | 8 Sealed Pouches


Summary of Product Pros and Cons

The Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety emergency food supply offers a convenient and reliable option for ensuring you have access to nutritious meals during unexpected emergencies or when your regular food supply may be limited. With a total of 4,210 calories and 63 grams of protein, these freeze-dried and dehydrated fruits and vegetables provide essential nutrients to keep you energized and healthy.

One of the major advantages of this product is its impressive shelf life of up to 30 years. This means that you can store it for a long period of time without worrying about it going bad. Additionally, the eight sealed pouches make it easy to portion your meals and maintain freshness.

On the downside, some customers have mentioned that the fruits and vegetables may not retain their original texture and flavor after rehydration. While they still provide the necessary nutrients, this could be a drawback for individuals who prioritize taste and texture in their meals.

Who Should Consider Buying

If you are someone who wants to be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances, such as natural disasters or emergencies, the Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety emergency food supply is a great option for you. It provides a reliable source of nutrition and can help supplement your regular food supply during times when access to fresh fruits and vegetables may be limited or unavailable.

Additionally, this product is ideal for outdoor enthusiasts such as hikers, campers, and backpackers who need lightweight and easy-to-pack food options. Its long shelf life ensures that you can have a ready-to-eat meal whenever you need it.

Overall, the Prep Basics Fruits & Vegetables Variety emergency food supply offers a practical and convenient solution for ensuring you have access to essential nutrients during times of uncertainty. Whether you’re stocking up for emergencies or planning for outdoor adventures, this product can provide peace of mind and sustenance when it matters most.

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